Sunday, June 20, 2010

fathers day

fathers day.

my dad is the best. i love him so much. he is such a great addition to our family. he does so much for...


what if that isnt your fathers day?

to be honest i've done everything in my power to avoid seeing or talking to my father for the past year and a half.

so today isnt the easiest holiday for me to handle.

am i the one in wrong? should i just forget about the ways he hurt me and my family? and the way he continually shows he doesnt care?

so i've been fighting with myself all day.
should i send a text?
give him a call?
write a card?
stop by?
go have dinner with him and his wife?

i came to the conclusion that sometimes we just need to be the bigger person and maybe be an example to the person who hurt you. im not forgiving him yet...but i hope that in me going over and spending the rest of the day at his house he can possibly look to me as an example.

i know im just a kid. but i've been through a lot. i have a lot of life behind me. so maybe my father, the person i should be looking to, can learn from me.

and now i'm on my way....

i wonder what gift i should give to someone i dont even know.

happy fathers day.

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